Resistance trainingĀ brings joy.



Resistance training is the fountain of youth.


Resistance training is a pillar of health and wellness.

TheĀ mission of physicaltherapy.education is toĀ provide resistance training focused CEU courses for physical therapy. The formula is simple: use the latest research to build content that can be applied immediately. All courses are designed with one question in mind: what does the research look like when applied in the gym, at-home, or in-clinic? The approach is straight forward: design courses based on what everyone wants to know - which resistance training exercises to do and howĀ to structure them.

All courses are built using new science and include resistance training templates and sample routines for immediate use.

As the course developer and presenter, Amy holds a PhD in Kinesiology from The University of Texas at Austin. She is the author of Timing Resistance Training: Programming the Muscle Clock for Optimal Performance (Human Kinetics, 2020) and dozens of training and education programs approved by all state boards of physical therapy, the Board of Certification (BOC) for Athletic Trainers, and the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA). Amy served as the former Program Director for Sports Sciences for the American Military University and is former faculty at Florida State University. To learn more about Amy's qualifications, visit amyashmore.com. For an updated CV, please email Amy at [email protected].

The intent of physicaltherapy.education is to bridge the gap between traditional weightlifting methods and healthcare outcomes. Modern science tells us that resistance training is a vital, one of the most important indicators, of health, wellness, aging, and performance. The key is in the programming - join us and together we'll explore how to bring resistance training to the forefront of healthcare.

Dr. Amy headshot.
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What Others Are Saying

"Amy is an extremely effective and well-respected leader. As Program Director, she set clear and realistic expectations and worked tirelessly to help her faculty excel. As a result, the program flourished under her leadership. She united the faculty within our group, respected everyoneā€™s concerns and worked to create the best possible working environment. She welcomed working with people from all disciplines and was a unifying force. I feel fortunate to have worked under her guidance and am a better faculty member as a result."

Kristin Ondrak, PhD,Ā Associate Professor, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

"Amy Ashmore is a superb educator, whose enthusiasm for her subject matter bubbles over and reaches everyone in a room. Amy has been writing and presenting for IDEA since 2002. She can get a fitness professional audience more engaged in the topics of biomechanics and physics than you could ever dream possible! She is an intelligent professional and creative teacher, as well as a generous and delightful human being."

Sandy Todd Webster, Former Editor in Chief at Idea Health & Fitness Association

Man. Jogging.
Man. Dog. Boxing.
Man. Dog. Boxing.
Woman. Biceps curl.